How to Make Shoes Slippery for Dancing

How to Make Shoes Slippery for Dancing so If you’re a dancer and want to make your shoes more slippery to enhance your moves, here are a few tips


How to Make Shoes Slippery for Dancing

The ideal shoes for dancing are those with slick soles. They’ll make it so you don’t have to fight friction all the time. If your dancing shoes aren’t slick enough to make a great dance session, keep reading because we’ve discovered a simple solution to make them slippery.

How to Make Shoes Slippery for Dancing

How can slippery shoes be made to dance in? Depending on the material utilized to construct your shoe soles, there are several options. In this article, we are going to talk about how to make shoes slippery for dancing.

Things We Need to Make Shoes Slippery for Dancing

There are a few alternative ways to learn how to make shoes slippery for dancing and if you follow these rules, then we are going to talk about the things that you are going to need to complete this project. The things are:

  • Sandpaper
  • Olive oil
  • Suede paper
  • Gaffer Tape

Below, we have talked about the different methods that you can follow to do all the things and for each method, you are going to need one of the things from above.

How to Make Shoes Slippery for Dancing

The Sandpaper Method

The process we are going to talk about on how to make shoes slippery for dancing is the sandpaper method. This procedure is straightforward and should take no more than 20 minutes to complete. It’s also highly cost effective because all you need are rubber soles and sandpaper.

Sandpaper flattens the treads of the shoes, making them smoother and hence more slippery for dancing. The disadvantage of this procedure is that it produces more persistent outcomes, making it irreversible.

All you have to do to make your shoes slick with sandpaper is follow these steps:

Step Number 1

Make sure your shoes’ soles are clean. Remove any trash, dirt, or foreign items from the shoe. This helps to prepare the shoe surface for sandpaper smoothing.

Step Number 2

Take your sandpaper and begin smoothing the sole of the shoe from the inside. You can begin at either the top or bottom of the shoe. Whatever method you pick, be careful to follow it step by step to achieve a flawless finish.

Take Your Sandpaper and Begin Smoothing the Sole of the Shoe

Step Number 3

Using your hand, inspect the texture of the shoe surface to verify it is smooth and even.

Step Number 4

Finally, wear your shoes for a brief length of time on tough terrain, such as sand. Your dancing shoes are now ready to wear!

The Olive Oil Method

This second technique for making shoes slippery is a variation on the sandpaper technique. The only difference is that after sanding, the olive oil technique utilizes olive oil.

This procedure works well because the oil fills in the air bubbles left by sanding, leaving your shoes slick and ready to dance in. Although this procedure takes longer than using sandpaper, the results are well worth the effort.

Step Number 1

Clean your shoes like you did with the sandpaper approach. The smoothing process is easier to control when you have a clean surface to work on.

Step Number 2

Although this step is similar to the sandpaper method, the olive oil technique requires circular movements. The primary goal of employing circular motions is to create a pattern that will make applying olive oil easier.

Step Number 3

Remove any debris from the sanding procedure by dusting the sole.

Step Number 4

Using a paper towel, clean the bottom of the shoe with olive oil. The olive oil fills the air pockets in your shoes, making them slick and ready for the dance floor.

Using a Paper Towel, Clean the Bottom of the Shoe With Olive Oil

The Suede Paper Method

If the previous two methods don’t work out at all, the third method that you can apply on how to make shoes slippery for dancing is the suede paper method. Please do keep in mind that this is a temporary method and you have to peel off the suede paper in the reverse process or else it is going to damage your soles.

Step Number 1

To guarantee precision while cutting, place the suede paper block on a level surface.

Step Number 2

Carefully set your dance shoes on the suede paper. Carefully trace your shoe on the suede paper using a marker pen.

Step Number 3

Carefully cut off the indicated area of the shoe using a sharp pair of scissors.

Step Number 4

Carefully peel off the adhesive tape from the suede paper and gradually adhere the suede paper to the shoe. Make sure any kinks or wrinkles are removed.

Step Number 5

Repeat the process with your other shoe, and you’re ready to dance!

The Gaffer Tape Method

Gaffer tape is a waterproof adhesive tape that looks like fabric. Simply follow the methods outlined under the suede paper approach to utilize it. It’s also a transitory approach, as you’d imagine.

However, gaffer tape has the drawback of being more difficult to remove than suede paper. It also leaves a sticky residue on the bottom of your shoe.


What Can I Put on My Shoes for Traction?

There are a few things that you can do to stop making your shoes slippery and increase the traction of your shoes. These things are adhesive bandages, scuffing or rinsing the outside of the soles with sandpaper, using traction sprays that you can buy from a local shoe market or tell your cobbler, using ice grips to decrease the slipperiness of the shoes, tacking puff paint on the outside of the slippery soles, trying out non-slip sole grips.

You Can Scuffing Shoe Sole By Sandpaper

Can I Make My Shoes Non-slip?

Of course, you can definitely make your shoes non-slip. In fact, you can also make your traction shoes into slippery shoes. The things that you can do to make your shoes non-slip are using adhesive bandages, scuffing or rinsing the outside of the soles with sandpaper, using traction sprays that you can buy from a local shoe market or tell your cobbler, using ice grips to decrease the slipperiness of the shoes, tacking puff paint on the outside of the slippery soles, trying out non-slip sole grips.

What Are Dance Socks?

Dance socks are specially created for people who want to and love dancing and in fact, they are good at movements in general. These socks can easily go over sneakers that will help you stop sticking and avoid injury to the ankles and the knees, while giving you a comfortable grip on the ground.

Are Ballet Shoes Slippery?

Dance shoes are required to be slick, slippery, and have suede bottoms so you can spin, slide, and pivot smoothly while doing your favorite dance movements. They shouldn’t be too slippery, though, or you’ll be concerned about your safety and the safety of others. However, there are tons of ways that you can easily follow and make your shoes less slippery and more traction friendly.


Slippery shoes are necessary for dancing since they facilitate mobility and help to prevent accidents. Some approaches, such as using olive oil and sandpaper, produce excellent results but are irreversible, necessitating extreme caution and thought. If you followed our article till this sentence, then we are sure that you have learned how to make shoes slippery for dancing.

Now you will be able to make your shoes suitable for dancing and also help others do the same.If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments section below. If you like our article, be sure to check out our prior ones where we discussed everything about shoes. We wish you a wonderful day.

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